Mobile homes. Analysis of Mobile homes manufacturers.

In this article we will try to analyze the mobile homes manufacturers in Europe; Their ways of production, quality, material and other aspects.

The most of purchasing of a Mobile homes are made in Germany. This factor make Germany to play the leading rope on demand and propositions of Mobile homes. In German language the Mobile homes manufacturers is written as below:

Mobilheim Hersteller Deutschland.

We hope that this will help the readers to fidn the reliable supplier of the Mobile homes using this seacrh words.

So, as we mentioned, Germany plays the ruling in Mobile Homes segment. The second EU country that demands a huge amount of Mobile Homes is Netherlands. But, this countly has a huge amount of local Mobile Homes Manufacturers (Mobilheim hersteller liste). Plus, the part of imported Mobile Homes from the United Kingdom is very significant.


Back to German market.
It is represented by companies from Netherlands, few local German companies, and dozen of mobile homes manufacturers from Poland that have German names but in fact they are not local. These companies control a most of the part of mobile homes market in Germany.

The technology of production among of these companies is almost the same. All of them use OSB sheets for the construction of the walls and ceilings, loads of PVC elements and not enough insulation materials.

Now, let us tell you about another Mobile homes manufacturer that has a huge showroom in Germany. This manufacturer is called:

Mobilheim hersteller Deutschland

Mobilheim Hersteller Deutschland.

This manufacter does not produce a lot of Mobile Homes as all of the prodcuts are made by hands.

The showroom of this manufacture is located in Germany and can be visited any time during the week.

If you will try to find the address of this showroom, here is advise in German language:

Mobilheim Ausstellung Deutschland

By using this search phrase you will find the location of this showroom.

We would recomment our visitors to inform us about your visit, so we could make sure that the best and kind meeting could be organised by us. Our team that operates the exhibition showroom) in Germany,  will, answer all of the questions, will show you around, will describe the advantages of Trident Caravans. And you will have the chance to feel these advantages, by watching at the details of interior and exterior.

Mobile home

You will see that interior s much different from those that you saw at other manufacturers. You will not find much of PVC elements in our interior. Wht we mention this? Because PVC is a harful material. And staying for a long time in such PVC premises – will not add much health to you and your close ones. That is why we pay extra attention to these issues, as our main target is to produce the mpbile homes that will bring not ony the absolute comfort but will not be made of unhealthy materials.

The harm of PVC arise during the hot weather.

Most of manufacturers also use OSB sheets for constracting their homes. Here, we also have to mention that OSB is one of the harfull elemetns in building. The level of formaldehyde affacts on people health very signifiv=cantly.